This is an outstanding 3 hour accredited professional learning course which aims for participants to appreciate & analyse the importance of developing social and emotional learning skills in EYLF & K- Year 6 setting.
Alongside stories and engaging information, participants will have opportunities for reflection questions & activities in their individual workbooks as well as links to fascinating research in the area. Participants will leave with resources they can use with their class and school community immediately.
Key topics covered in the course:
- Tools to build resilience in the classroom
- Explore how stress directly impacts the classroom environment & student academic performance
- Learn how to use and apply a variety of social, emotional & wellbeing strategies and tools into daily habits and embed them across the curriculum.
- Deep dive into character strength education and understand why having a strengths based approach to others and ourselves can boost resilience and wellbeing.
- Explore movement, exercise and sleep as fundamental to maintaining flourishing social and emotional learning
And more!
Completing Whole school approach to social, emotional & wellbeing learning in the early years and primary school classroom will contribute 3 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing standard descriptors 4.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.