Our preschool kit is a great way to begin the conversation with young children about their brains and the importance of mental health. Designed for early childhood teachers, the kit is a unique combination of our home and school resources that engage young children in playful ways. We also offer a guide to learning sessions that complement the content of the kit.
In the kit, you will find resources that aim to grow resilience, mindfulness, impulse control and emotional regulation. Grow Your Mind offers a platform for staff to teach children about kindness, courage, character strengths, compassion and connection.
The preschool kit includes:
- Welcome to Grow Your Mind ebook
- Flip to Flourish at Home
- Catastrophe Scale magnets
- Feelings Cards
- gratitude journal
- Amygdala Jar
- Animal character stickers
- Breathing styles treasure wheel.
- Dice for Dicey Situations
- Three (3) A3 display posters: Brain Diagram, Traffic Light, Working Strengths
- A2 Checklist for your Mind Poster (art hangers not included)
- Four (4) A4 Posters: 5 x Animal Tips (art hangers not included)
A suggested add on, that children ADORE, is the Brain Animal Finger Puppet Set. These puppets bring our characters to life and create an endless opportunity for using story and role-play to further cement wellbeing messages.