When teachers work well together, the whole school succeeds.
Teachers (and administrators) who feel good about coming to work, have healthy relationships with their colleagues, communicate & collaborate in a clear and kind manner, and who feel good about the work they do, will be more effective employees. They will bring a higher level of energy into the classroom, and they will demonstrate greater resiliency when confronted with adversity.
Join us in a 2 hour workshop & learn the tools to build a positive work culture where staff will understand that a supportive & respectful workplace environment is a key factor contributing to individuals flourishing.
The Staff Culture and Communication course aims to help you:
- Understand how important having a supportive & respectful workplace environment is to your mental health
- Appreciate that school culture is created by the daily ACTIONS of everyone & is the RESPONSIBILITY of everyone associated with the school.
- Explore the above & below the line behaviour & communication model
- Practise having difficult conversations
- Explore tips for working with difficult teammates
- Learn and practise a feedback model - BOOST
- Bond with teammates, have fun & build a strong team culture
Is the culture and communication workshop right for my school?
If the answer is yes to any of the below questions, we think this course will be beneficial to your environment:
Is staff morale low?
Is your school climate suffering from extreme pressure placed on educators?
Are staff taking their daily stress out on each other and lacking the tools to communicate clearly & respectfully?
Do your staff know how to have difficult conversations with each other?
Current Australian research is showing that a multilayered, systems approach is required to promote educator wellbeing. Healthy collegial relationships & workplace culture are the next parts of the layer (after individual wellbeing) before leadership/community and policy.
As teacher morale increases, so will the positive energy in the building. Students will notice it; parents will notice it; and anyone who visits the building will notice it. Teachers who feel good about coming to work will bring a higher level of energy into the classroom, and they will demonstrate greater resiliency when confronted with adversity.