Teachers! The purpose of this page:
To help students understand the role of positive emotions and to bust the myths of positivity.
Cultivating positive emotions help us to be a problem solver, to engage in learning and to stick with things. We need to understand what the positive emotions are and how we can increase them AND we also need to understand that it is not about forcing positivity!

How to use this page:
Introduce students to a different positive emotion once a week or term. Encourage them to make plan for cultivating positive emotions.
What are positive emotions?!
Click icon above or just read this out!
There is some good news, we are not meant to feel happy all of the time!
This is because you are not a robot!
You are a human being. Therefore you get feel happy, mad, frustrated, joyful, jealous, bored and so on throughout the day. Here's the thing though. Every day, you hopefully brush your teeth, perhaps you drink water throughout the day and eat healthy food. You do this, or at least you know you are meant to do this in order to protect and strengthen your physical body. Well, every day we should also feel positive emotions - and yes, negative ones too! But to stay mentally healthy, it is really helpful if we get more positive emotions into your day.
So what are positive emotions? Meet 10 of them now.
And how do you get more of them? That's up to you. Complete the positive emotions form and start cultivating them!

Cultivate it by: doing the things you love. Putting on music you enjoy.
Eating something delicious super slowly and savouring it. Jumping in the ocean, pool or river. Singing!
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (introduction)
Meet Joy
When you feel joy, you may feel like you have a spring in your step. Life feels bright and light. You have an abundance of energy.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: keeping a gratitude jar, writing a letter of thanks to someone
Telling someone right now why you appreciate them!
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (introduction)
Meet Gratitude
When you feel thankful you can see the good in your life. Whether it be the reliable friends or family, the school you go to, the food you get to eat etc. Gratitude allows us to feel sad while also having space to remember there are good things in our life.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: learning new + interesting facts, asking why before judging! E.g. did you know that an octopus has 3 hearts?!
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (introduction)
Meet Curiosity
Curiosity allows you to feel ready to explore, to be open, to take in new ideas and learn more. When you feel curious you are less likely to hate or fear something.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: patting an animal you love or you know is safe to pat! Hugging someone you feel safe with and know well. Being vulnerable! Which means you can ask for help, say that you are thankful to someone, say sorry and admit when you are wrong. Say hi to people and smile!
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (introduction)
Meet Love
When you feel love you know you care deeply for another person, a pet, a food or an experience. You are safe. It may feel like a surge and it may be the beginning of one of the other positive emotions mentioned above.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: pausing during a joyful moment and savouring it! Practising mindful breathing and/or meditation.
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
When you feel this emotion you feel safe and secure. You almost feel like sitting back and savouring the peace around you. You feel calm, peaceful and untroubled.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: focusing on what you CAN control + reminding yourself that this too shall pass
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
Meet Hope
When you feel hope you still believe things will work out in the end even if everything feels a bit stressful or desperate. With hope you believe that things can change and you feel motivated by your own ability to create a better future.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: pausing when you reach your goal and allowing yourself to soak it all in! Using positive affirmations to remind you that you can achieve what you wish to.
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
Meet Pride
When you proud you have a moment where you can see that the effort you put into something allowed you to achieve or get better. You may also feel proud about a friend or family member doing well at something. You feel like sharing your good news with others!
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: playing handball, soccer, basketball, putting on a play, speaking in different accents, cooking, charades, dance - so many ways to play! Start by not taking yourself too seriously.
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
Meet Playful
When you feel playful you are safe and have the urge to laugh. You want to be with others and connect in a way where others are also laughing too.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: watching a guess who, watching the Paralympics, celebrating your friends when they do well, finding a quote that lifts you, writing out and practising positive affirmations.
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
Meet Inspired
When you feel inspired you want to do your best. You feel like your sifting sooty is switched on. You feel upbeat, excited and full of energy. Being inspired is a powerful emotion to try and call on when someone else does something brilliantly. Instead of giving into jealousy perhaps you can feel inspired to also try hard and achieve.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?

Cultivate it by: going outside and looking at the sky, watching a David Attenborough documentary, star gazing, stopping and admiring a beautiful view, finding a waterfall to stand under or look one up. Taking a moment to really appreciate the animals in your life! Going to a museum or art gallery. Seeing a live concert or listening to fantastic music.
Print/share the positive emotion sheet (extension)
Meet Awe
When you feel awe you are overwhelmed by something truly incredible or beautiful. Awe can stop you in your tracks and you may suddenly be reminded of how small you are! The amazing thing about awe is that it will also remind you that you are part of something bigger than just you too.
When was the last time I felt this emotion?
What normally brings on this feeling?
What can I do to cultivate this feeling?