Frequently Asked Questions

My school already has a wellbeing program, will GYM complicate things?

Our program has been designed to complement existing programs and to give emotional wellbeing wings. Nearly ALL of the schools we are in have an existing program.

Does a school need a kit for each class?

Ideally yes, every class has a kit BUT this is not mandatory! While we encourage schools to adopt a whole of school language we also encourage a 'choose your own adventure' way of thinking.

Can I buy a kit (s) for my school?

Absolutely! Follow the links to school kits and get donating.

Is this going to add to a teacher's workload?

No. the kits have been designed by a teacher for busy teachers. They can be used for as little as 1 minute a day.

My school is religious - is there anything that would contradict their values?

None of our content has any religious affiliations. We do however promote and share the common values of kindness, compassion, love and service.

What age is Grow Your Mind for?

Preschool through to Year 6.