Teachers! The purpose of this page:
To help students understand how to use their signature strengths and what they may be.
Signature strengths builds upon character strength education. Your signature strengths are your top 5 strengths that you can use to deal with tough moments. (friendship fights, making mistakes, setbacks, sadness, challenges etc).Knowing your signature strengths help you to achieve your goals, stay focused, be of benefit and flourish.

How to use this page:
Ensure students are aware of character strengths and have been exposed to this for at least 1 year.
Introduce students to the definition of signature strengths as well as each of the example signature strengths below.
Print and share the signature strengths reflection sheet plus the weekly plan.
What are signature strengths?
Signature strengths are the strongest of your personal strengths. They are the strengths that matter the most to you and that are most central to your personal identity.
Think about your signature strengths as using what's strong to deal with what's wrong. (friendship fights, making mistakes, setbacks, sadness, challenges etc).
Click icon above or just read this out!
We know about our character strengths and why focusing on them helps you make the best of who you are.
You can probably spot the strengths in the Guess Who characters, in the books we recommend that you read and maybe in your friends too. But what about you? What are your top 5 strengths? How do you know?

Pick 5 of your top character strengths now.
If you are 10 and over you could take the free VIA character strength survey (with parent permission). And/or you could ask a close friend or family member what they think your top 5 strengths are and why. These top strengths are what the VIA institute of character say are your signature strengths, these, ".... give you an idea of you when you’re at your best. These are
the strongest strengths for you. They come very naturally and are easy for you to use. You use these
strengths when you’re at ease with and being your best self around others."
Print/share this reflection sheet on signature strengths
Print/share this weekly plan to use 1 of your signature strengths
Think about your signature strengths to help you achieve your goals, stay focused, be of benefit and flourish. Can't remember what all of the strengths mean? Refer to the strength balloon for a description of each as well as ways to grow it. Here are a few examples below:
Meet Kindness
Kindness is doing good things for others even if we do not know them well. If we are growing kindness we might make it our mission every day to do one kind thing for someone else. When you are kind you can be generous. You can do small things that brighten people’s lives.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Thinking about who you can include today.
Looking for ways to be of benefit
Assuming the best in people around you
Being creative means you can think of new ways to do things. You can imagine and produce ideas, art, answers and activities that are different.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Writing, drawing or making something just for the fun of it.
Coming up with a different solution to a problem you face.
Redesign your room and/or other rooms at home, school or work
Meet Joyfulness
Joyfulness means we are filled with happiness, peace, wellbeing and love. It means you live life with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and energy.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Meeting even the dullest of activities with a smile.
Making it your mission to say hello to lots of people today.
Waking up and asking yourself: what am I looking forward to today?
Meet Leadership
Leadership means you can encourage a group to get things done in a way that is peaceful and everyone feels included. It means you do a good job of organising activities. If you are growing leadership you might try and inspire others by being respectful and confident in a group situation. Good leadership can also sometimes be about taking a stand that is not popular, but it is the right thing to do.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Listening to other people’s points of view while ensuring things get done
Thinking about something you care about deeply and making a plan to take an action to help it that involves inspiring others
Lead an activity with fairness, making sure everyone has their say
Meet Gratitude
Gratitude means we are aware of all that we have in our life and of the good things that happen to us. We let our friends and family know we are thankful for them.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Thanking someone today, for either being a supportive or loyal friend, for teaching you well, for loving you, for making you laugh, for sharing something with you.
Before complaining about missing out or not getting something, catching yourself and reminding yourself that you are enough and have enough.
Meet Curiosity
Curiosity means you are interested in learning more about anything and everything. If you are growing curiosity you start asking more questions and seeking the interesting side out of nearly everything.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Doing more listening and less talking!
Asking questions
Learning an interesting fact
During an argument or disagreement ask questions before launching into an attack!
Meet Love of Learning
Love of learning means you delight in finding out new things whether in class or on your own. If you are growing this you might use this strength to persist through any challenges because you have an appreciation of what is involved in mastering something new.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Learning a new skill
Asking a knowledgeable person lots of questions
Taking pride in how you show what you are learning through the work you produce
Meet Forgiveness
Forgiveness means you give people a second chance. Forgiveness is a strength that we can call on when we want to let go of anger that is no longer helpful to us. Remember, there is nothing wrong with feeling angry. In fact it can be a really helpful emotion but it becomes less so if you can’t stop thinking about the wrong doing and it prevents you from enjoying life! You need compassion and empathy to grow forgiveness.
Is this your signature strength?
Try flexing this strength by:
Letting go of bad thoughts you have about someone who has let you down
Telling someone who has let you down, that you have moved on
Practising it on yourself! If you have hurt someone, or made a mistake and have sort to make amends, it is time to forgive yourself!