teacher wellbeing
Student wellbeing is not a spectator sport. If we want our students to be kind, calm, mindful and focused - we need to practice growing these skills in ourselves. The key to doing this is to take care of your own wellbeing. Think of a plane, if there were an emergency you would have been told to put your oxygen masks on before placing them on children. This is to ensure you can be of benefit. The same applies for teaching.
Is there anything from our Quick Ways to Fill Your Cup that you currently do?
Is there anything you could try doing this week?
What brings you joy?
If you took a photo of 5 of your happiest memories, what would that be?
What is your plan to savour joy more this week?
Wellbeing invitations
1. This week keep track of the things that bring you joy, the people that you feel good around, the music you enjoy listening to. Simply notice and record these moments down.
2. Think about someone who you love to be around, picture the feelings you have when you are with them. Savour this reflection. Can you try this once a day?
3. Can you try moving your body every single day this week? Is there someone at work you can team up with to do it together?
4. Where in the week can you practice using the RAIN acronym?
Get to know your values
Values are different from character strengths, although they may overlap. Come up with 4 core values to act as a compass for you in making decisions and in the way you choose to go about life. NB we spend a great deal of time unpacking this in our teacher wellbeing course. For now, use the image of the compass and start thinking, what do I want my life to be about? (You don't have to be strong in these area, it is simply how you wish to proceed)
gratitude and appreciation
One of the best parts is often the teachers we get to work with. As a profession teaching can feel a little under valued at times. A way to balance the scales a little is to start noticing and appreciating the people around you. Download these appreciation cards and set yourself a challenge to leave them on a different staff member's desk once a week
fascinating articles
interesting clips
Dr Lucy Hone is a leading expert on resilience. Her own resilience was tested in the most horrific way when her daughter was killed in a car crash. She tells the story of how she has coped with the loss - and shares three key strategies for building resilience. Reflect on her 3 tools for growing resilience. Do you think you could practice any of them? Which ones?
Watch the Struggle Switch by Dr Russ Harris. Can you identify with any of the messaging in it?