Welcome! First up, good on you for making positive steps to having a healthy friendship!
Complete these reflection questions at your own pace.
Signs that a friendship is unhealthy:
Think about your quiz score. Complete the student print out
Learn to manage conflict well:
Student print out of dealing with conflict well
Student print out: what helpful things can I do after a fight with a friend
Complete the rephrasing sentences for dealing with conflict
Practice imagining a different point of view with this perspective presentation
Practice Talking it Out
Can you memorise the steps? Look/Cover/Say
Next time you feel you want to talk it out, come and look at the flow chart to remind yourself of the steps to keep it productive.
Student print out: what helpful things can I do after a fight with a friend
Reasons friendships change
Friendships change. It's a normal part of life - for all of the reasons in the poster AND more!
This can be super hurtful, confusing and make for a lonely time. It can also lead to feelings of guilt because you no longer feel as connected with your friend as you used to.
Friendships, despite all of the above, still change. That's ok. It is a normal part of life.
Try talking it out if you want to try and keep your friendship thriving.
Make sure you don't 'ghost' someone just because your friendship has change. Call on the character strength: respect and empathy. Treat people how you wish to be treated. You don't have to be friends with everybody, but being friendly is a fairly basic courtesy you can take.
What are the other reasons for friendship change and what you can do about it? Use the problem solving flow chart to help.
Ingredients + Method for a healthy friendship
We need them! But we don't need to be friends with EVERYONE! In fact, not all friendships are good for us. Friendships change too, this is normal.
It is helpful to start thinking now: what makes a healthy friendship for me?
K - 2
Pick 2 things you think make a good friend
3 - 6
Create your own recipe for a healthy friendship. Get creative. Grab paper, coloured pens or use a device.
Create your own guide:
Print and complete your own guide to healthy friendships.
What are the must haves?
What do you need a lot of?
What boundaries do you have in place? (Avoid wherever possible and avoid at all costs?)
Positive reappraisal using
Yes, conflict is normal!
However that does not mean it is unavoidable!
Sometimes we create stories in our heads. Listen to: Generous Assumptions ( Season 3 of the podcast)
In pairs:
How might making generous assumptions prevent conflict?
Come up with a shark thought and then a dolphin thought for the following examples:
My friends are laughing
My friend doesn't smile when I say hi
My friends are whispering
It can help to give your pesky, self-doubting shark thought a name. It can serve as a reminder that thoughts are not facts. Complete the drawing challenge and name your silly shark thought.
Trouble shoot - how big is this problem?
Print and practice being a problem solver. Do you need help or can you sort this one out on your own?
Enlarge the flow chart. When students return from the playground upset, angry or frustrated and are looking to you for help, ask them to go to the flow chart FIRST!
Use the podcast to support healthy friendships
Listen to Season 3 of the Grow Your Mind podcast
Season 3 of the podcast has a strong friendship focus. Use the resource list to bring out the most of student learning.
Study the Grow Your Mind podcast songs