grab 5 minutes of


Families! The purpose of this page:

You are busy! AND wellbeing has a huge impact when we do it in small doses regularly. 

WHY? Because wellbeing does not exist in isolation! Make it applicable and authentic to your childrenby grabbing 5 minutes of wellbeing throughout the day.

Grab 5 on the go:

Jealousy                Sorry         

Boundaries           Generous Assumptions      

Ouch                    Values

Resilience            Consent

Age: 3 - 12

Time: 2 minutes

Bite sized audio

Age: 6 - 12

Time: 2 minutes

Move your body ideas

Age: 5 - 12

Time: 2 - 5 minutes

Do a daily emotional check in

Age: 6 - 12

Time: 2 - 5 minutes

12 x Mini Guess Who

Age: 8 - 12

Time: 5 minutes

65 invitations to flourish

Age: 5 - 12

Time: 2 - 5 minutes

Get each child to give themselves a colour at the end and start of the day that reflects their current mood.